NOWECO Software Consulting



Benefits of Free and Open-Source Software (FOSS)

Good reasons to switch to FOSS

General benefits

  • Open Source: Open-source means that everybody can view and contribute to the source code. This adds to both security and improved quality.
  • Security: Linux and BSD operating system are more secure by design. Though they have their vulnerabilities,tools such as antivirus software are not needed. And due to the multitude of distributions with different package managers, init systems, etc. it is more difficult to execute malware.
  • Privacy: Neither Linux nor BSDs do gather and send information from users unless agreed.
  • Reliability: Linux and BSD operating system get excellent support. Further, there is great assistance by the community.
  • Stability: Users rarely experience performance issues or failures.

Management benefits

  • Ease of installation: Of course, depending of the distribution Linux and BSDs are very straightforward to install. And the users do not need to make an account with whomsoever. Further, software installation is mainly done based on the software repositories of the distribution so that there is no need to find websites to download from.
  • Ease of updates: Linux and BSD operating system provide very fast, simple and non-obtrusive software updates.
  • Backups: Backups are easily made as all personal data (including setups of applications) are typically stored in the home folder. Tools such as Timeshift make it very easy to return to a previous state in the rare case an update went wrong.
  • Multidesktops: Linux and BSD allow for a range of different and customizable desktops. Users can choose according to their workflow.
  • Lots of different distributions: Users can choose out of lots of distributions to find what they need.

Technical benefits

  • Lightweight: Linux and BSD operating systems are significally less RAM-hungry
  • Support of older hardware: Linux and BSD operating system allow to use even older hardware.
  • Programming: Linux nor BSDs are often preferred by programmers.
  • File Systems: Linux and BSD operating system allow for many file system formats.
  • Executability: Executable files typically do not rely on file extensions. Instead, attributes specify whether a file can be executed.

Financial benefits

  • License costs: Linux and BSDs do not know license costs. But you are most welcome to support your operating system of choice.
  • License Management: There is no need to determine the amount of licenses in use to calculate license costs.